Samuel Buxton
Dr. Samuel Buxton (prefers to be called Samuel) received his PhD in Toxicology from Iowa State University, Iowa and a PhD in Science de la Vie et de la Santé (Life and Health Sciences) from University of Tours, France in 2012. His graduate school and postdoctoral research at Iowa State University were focused on characterizing mainly acetylcholine receptors as drug target sites in human endoparasites. Another postdoctoral stint at Baylor College of Medicine was focused on characterizing ryanodine receptors and its subunits as drug target sites for treating atrial fibrillation in humans. Samuel is a board-certified Toxicologist, currently working as a Human Health Toxicologist in the non-ferrous metal industry. Samuel’s work at NiPERA, the science division of the global Nickel Institute, involves designing and monitoring studies conducted at contract research laboratories on in vitro and in vivo genotoxicity, carcinogenicity, and inhalation toxicity. His work extends to using the study results in regulatory submissions and/or to author peer-reviewed publications, responding to regulatory requests, authoring white papers and fact sheets, and defending regulatory positions before regulators. Outside work, you will find Samuel tending to his garden of flowers and vegetables, running and/or hiking in nature, and volunteering at food and clothing donation centers.