Dr. Tamara House-Knight
About meDr. Tamara House-Knight is a toxicologist for the environmental consulting firm Ramboll Environ. She received her doctorate in Interdisciplinary Toxicology from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in 2004. She has worked in the environmental consulting business for over 13 years and specializes in human and environmental risk assessment. She has been involved in project planning, development of risk assessment work plans, management and implementation of risk assessments, and community relations/public participation providing toxicological support following chemical exposures to client employees and health care workers. As an environmental consultant she has responded to hundreds of worker exposure incidents involving a wide variety of chemicals including: diesel fuel, battery acid fumes, exhaust fumes, ammonia, and pesticides. She has been a member of the Society of Toxicology (SOT) since 2004 as a graduate student, post-doctoral student, associate member and full member. She is a member of the SOT special interest group TAO (Toxicologist of African Origin) and has been the Secretary/Treasurer of the SOT specialty section ELSI (Ethical, Legal and Social Issues) for the last 3 years.